July 2023 meeting: 50 years of service with Thames Valley Police

On 10 July 2023, Christine Bovingdon-Cox spoke about My 50 Year Career in Policing in the Thames Valley.

The Thames Valley Police Force was established in 1968 through the amalgamation of five local forces. In her talk, Christine related the colourful and varied career she had enjoyed in the TVP between joining as a cadet in 1971 and receiving the British Empire Medal in 2021 in recognition of her service. In 1973, at the end of her training, Christine was posted to Aylesbury from where, in early 1974, she attended the aftermath of an IRA bombing at the National Defence College, Latimer. Ten people were injured and although there were no fatalities it was a harrowing experience. Between 1978 and 1980 Christine was in the CID in Oxford and in 1980 transferred to Special Branch where she acted as a protection officer for important visitors to the Thames Valley. These included cabinet ministers and members of the royal family, several of whom Christine has very fond memories.

After periods spent in the women’s specialist unit and in uniform on the beat in Oxford, Christine set up the domestic violence unit as a pilot scheme in the TVP. Up to that point domestic violence had not been taken very seriously despite being a widespread problem. To deal better with the issues involved Christine decided she needed more knowledge of civil law, and this led her to study part-time for a law degree at Oxford Brookes University, graduating in 2004. Later Christine became a family liaison officer. This involved supporting murder victims’ families in the knowledge that, although they were bereaved, they might also include the perpetrators. In 2005 she was deployed to live for four months with Samantha Lewthwaite, the widow of one of the 7/7 bombers, who had been placed in witness protection. Subsequently, Lewthwaite has herself become one of the world’s most wanted terrorist suspects.

There’s no meeting in August. The AGM will be held on Monday 11 September, followed by a talk from Trevor Jackson on Cemeteries of Oxford: more than a century of history.

Uncover Oxfordshire’s past with Heritage Search

‘Heritage Search’ is a new digital resource from Oxfordshire County Council to help people discover more about the history and heritage of Oxfordshire. While OCC and the Oxfordshire History Centre did previously have a search tool, Heritage Search is newly developed, with much more data as well as making it far easier to discover information and search across its various archives.

Heritage Search is free to use and contains a comprehensive catalogue of historical resources, including a wide range of archive documents, books, photographs, maps and much more, relating to the history of Oxfordshire – from ancient artefacts to modern-day landmarks.

One exciting feature is the Heritage Search mapping platform. Here you can overlay historical and modern maps, as well as plotting archaeological finds and images in the appropriate location. Help guide

To find out more and to start using Heritage Search go to www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/heritagesearch

June 2023 meeting: Six Warrior Women of the English Civil Wars

On 12 June 2023, Stephen Barker spoke about Six Warrior Women of the English Civil Wars.

Stephen began by setting the scene, talking about the three Civil Wars of the 1640s and the position of women at the time. The Civil Wars were bloody and brutal on a scale that is perhaps not appreciated today. Women had few rights, being unable to own property and subject to their father before marriage and their husband afterwards. But through the roles they played in the Civil Wars, the six women that Stephen spoke about helped to change the beliefs that people had about women and their capabilities.

Lady Mary Bankes defended Corfe Castle for three years against sieges by Parliamentary forces. Mary Overton was a prominent Leveller who was jailed for publishing seditious pamphlets, written by her husband, whom she later petitioned Parliament to have released after he too had been imprisoned. Lucy Hay, Countess of Carlisle, was a spy and double agent, working at various times for both sides in the conflict. Women proved to be excellent spies for both sides. Dorothy Hazard was a dissenter who established a Baptist church in Bristol and was active in the defence of the city against the Royalist besiegers. Lady Jane Whorwood was an ardent Royalist who acted as a spy and smuggler, and engineered a plot (which proved unsuccessful) for Charles I’s escape from imprisonment on the Isle of Wight in 1648. Lady Mary Verney, originally from Abingdon, married Ralph Verney whose estates in Buckinghamshire were sequestered by the government in 1646 during his exile in France. Mary returned to England to oppose the sequestration in Parliament and was eventually successful.

On 10 July 2023, Christine Bovingdon-Cox will speak about 50 Years in the Thames Valley Police.

Reports of previous meetings

May 2023 meeting: Growing up in a 1950s Corner Shop

On 8 May History Club members and guests enjoyed a fascinating talk by Josie Midwinter about her parents’ shop in Didcot, enhanced by a model of the shop and specimens of ration books.

Josie’s father Henry Midwinter shrewdly set up the grocery, confectionery and tobacco shop immediately opposite Didcot railway station, attracting much custom from railway staff, train and bus passengers, and the Army Ordnance Depot. During rationing, the shop received exactly the cheese needed to supply each registered customer with their allotted 2 oz per week. In practice, customers got their precisely cut ration, and the Midwinter family had the crumbs left over.

The shop was a cheerful place, where Henry always found time to listen to customers. Without refrigerators, they could not stock, for example, meat pies, but did sell their own bacon. They also provided much-used cycle storage (for 4d a day), and took and received parcels carried by local buses.

The family sold the shop after Henry died in 1963, when customers had begun to prefer the chain stores in the new Didcot Broadway. Josie’s experience of being able to talk to anyone was the foundation for her subsequent vocation as a priest.

On 12 June, in a change to the previously advertised programme, Stephen Barker will talk about women who took part in the English Civil Wars, undertook spying missions and negotiated deals with politicians.

Reports of previous meetings

April 2023 meeting: The History of Oxford University

On 3rd April 2023, Alastair Lack spoke about The History of Oxford University.

Alastair’s talk outlined the history of the University, starting from the 900s when students are first recorded to have been in Oxford, through to its development into the modern University with 39 Colleges and 24,000 students, drawn from over 160 countries. Before the founding of the first colleges, students lived in halls throughout the city and little importance was attached to learning. The collegiate system began with the founding of University College in 1249 with the goal of providing an education to its students who, initially, numbered only four. Balliol followed in 1263 and, in the ensuing centuries, monarchs and churchmen founded more colleges. These included, New College, established by William of Wykeham in 1379 exclusively for students from Winchester College, which he had also founded, and Lincoln College, founded by the Bishop of Lincoln in 1427 as a bulwark against the Lollards and other unorthodox religious movements for which Oxford has always been noted. Two notable 15th century colleges are All Souls, which has no students, and Magdalen. Lady Margaret Hall and Somerville, both founded in the 1870s, were the first colleges to admit women.

Oxford has many important libraries, built on the original donation, by Duke Humphry, of 200 books, and developed by Sir Thomas Bodley who established the Bodleian as a legal deposit library, entitled to a copy of every book published in the country. The Radcliffe Camera was England’s first science library.

Oxford’s colleges, museums, libraries and churches are the work of many of the greatest architects of every century, including Wren and Hawksmoor in the 17th and George Gilbert Scott in the 19th.

On 8 May 2023, Josie Midwinter will give a talk on Growing up in a Corner Shop. This will be followed by refreshments to mark the coronation of King Charles III.

Reports of previous meetings